Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 25 Tips of 2013 to Help Quitting Smokers Say No to Tobacco

Quitting smoking can do more for your health than any other measure. Find out now the top 25 tips of the New Year to help quitting smokers say no to tobacco.

Although it is common knowledge that smoking is among the worst health habits to have beating out over-eating, over-medicating and over-dosing on Reality TV, health authorities say that reminding the public the consequences of smoking bears repeating. And, while most people are cognizant that smoking can lead to lung cancer and emphysema, few realize that tobacco use impacts a much wider view of our health.

For example, smokers are more likely to:

--Get colds and flu
--Have shortness of breath and wheezing
--Get cataracts and macular degeneration
--Have gum disease and yellow teeth
--Have problems getting pregnant
--Become impotent
--Have problems sleeping or falling asleep
--Have memory problems
--Develop stomach ulcers
--Have high blood pressure
--Develop emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or asthma
--Have diabetes complications
--Have circulation problems
--Develop premature facial wrinkles

Furthermore, tobacco use affects not only the smoker, but family and pets as well.

According to The New York State Smokers' Quitline, Children exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to get:

--Ear infections
--Severe asthma
--Behavior problems

And, family pets exposed to second hand smoke are more likely to develop:

--Breathing problems
--Sinus/nasal infections
--Nasal cancer
--Lung cancer

Tips for Quitting Smoking

To help people who are adopting a New Year Resolution to stop smoking in 2013, listed below are 25 top tips that can help smokers say no to tobacco for a healthier and more enjoyable life:

1. Practice what to say if you are offered a cigarette like "No thanks, I don't smoke."

2. Let others know that you have quit smoking, most people will support you.

3. To Firm up your commitment to be a non-smoker, tell as many people as you can that you have quit the habit.

4. Delay having your first cigarette of the day as long as you can in the first weeks leading up to your quit date.

5. If you are around others who smoke, excuse yourself and don?t come back until they have finished.

6. Communicate your success in quitting, this will help you resist temptations when they come.

7. Write down the words "I'm quitting for myself and you (or "them")" and tape it somewhere you can see it for encouragement.

8. Create a non-smoking environment in your home.

9. If possible, ask smokers not to smoke around you or in your home or car.

10. Get self-help materials to help guide you through the process of quitting.

11. Never allow yourself to think that "one won't hurt" because it will.

12. After you've quit, keep substitutes on hand such as cinnamon sticks, sugarless gum, hard candies and water.

13. If you smoke while having a drink, avoid alcohol for a while---maybe the first few weeks.

14. Eat several small meals during the day instead of 1 or 2 large ones. This will maintain blood sugar levels and prevent the urge to smoke.

15. Know what stresses or negative moods give you the urge to smoke.

16. Create a stop smoking plan that works for you.

17. Spend more time doing the things you enjoy, instead of lighting up.

18. If driving is difficult when you first quit, try carpooling with a non-smoker or take public transportation.

19. Set-up a jigsaw puzzle on a table. Work on it when you start to feel on urge to smoke. When you notice the urge has disappeared, walk away.

20. Take a walk around the block, or take your dog for a walk or play catch with your kids.

21. While quitting pick up a hobby you dropped or adopt a new one.

22. Keep your hands busy with a doodle pad, crossword puzzle, to-do list or newspaper.

23. Change your smoking routines, such as keeping your cigarettes in a different place.

24. After you quit, celebrate the milestones you achieved such as being smoke-free one week, one month, three months, etc.

25. Keep in mind the 3S?s after you quit: Stay positive, Start a new plan, and Satisfaction that you?ve stop smoking.

For two informative articles about using electronic cigarettes to quit smoking, follow these links to two articles titled "Smoking Alternative E-cigarettes Not Safe Study Says" and "Are Electronic Cigarettes a.k.a. E-Cigs Dangerous to Non-smoking Bystanders?"

Image Source: Courtesy of MorgueFile

Reference: The New York State Smokers' Quitline


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