Sunday, September 30, 2012

The impact / distract gap. How to make the business impact you need.

by thesaleswhisperer on Sun

Pre?vi?ously I wrote about big hairy auda?cious goals their neg?a?tive busi?ness impact.

Today I want to con?tinue along the same path but give you a way to cre?ate a pos?i?tive busi?ness impact.

Build?ing and sus?tain?ing a busi?ness is work. Maybe you?re smarter than the aver?age bear or you get a good bounce and it?s not ter?ri?bly hard work, but it?s still work. Wish?ing it was eas?ier or hop?ing for a break is not a sus?tain?able nor advis?able busi?ness?model.

Far too good busi?nesses started and run by good peo?ple fail because their hope dis?tracted them from mak?ing a dent, from work?ing on that which they could impact.

It?s like the anxious-ridden sales?peo?ple I see who ignore even look?ing at their phone while they surf around LinkedIn think?ing they?ll find that one con?nec?tion today that will put them over quota by next week. (Let me know how that works out for?you.)

If there is a task you can start now that will make an impact to your busi?ness either imme?di?ately or it?s needed for the long term growth and sus?tain?abil?ity of your busi?ness, do it. If it?s only ?pos?si?ble? that you can make an impact then chances are what?ever you are doing will sim?ply dis?tract you from your future.

Impact or dis?tract is a fact,?Jack.

Now go do what needs to be?done.

Good Selling,

Throw down some graffiti below along with your thoughts, comments, experiences and suggestions. :-)

Wes Schaeffer The Sales Whisperer Professional Sales Training and Infusionsoft ConsultantWes Schaeffer is founder and owner of "The Sales Whisperer?," the best dang sales training, social media marketing, copy writing and Infusionsoft Small Business CRM consultant this side of the Mason Dixon Line. He has traveled the world serving his country, selling high tech gizmos and gadgets and training business owners, entrepreneurs and professional sales people how to sell more, faster, at higher margin, with less stress and more fun. He even has a "Double Your Sales in 12 Months" guarantee. Contact him here today to start doubling your sales by tomorrow. When you're done you can subscribe to his podcast on iTunes here.


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