Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Anderson Cooper on Anderson: Why I Came Out

Anderson Cooper may be the host of Anderson, but the journalist himself was placed on the hot seat yesterday by Kristin Chenoweth.

Asked by the actress about his summer, specifically his decision to announce himself as a proud gay man, Cooper explained that his sexual preference was no secret to anyone in his personal life.

"I came out in high school," Cooper said. "I told my friends, I told my family. I've always been out to my co-workers and stuff. It's just not something I talked about publicly, because as a reporter, I didn't think it was appropriate. It didn't seem like part of my job."

So, why the change in viewpoint?

"I do think that the tide of history only moves forward when everyone is fully visible," Cooper said. "I didn't want to send a message that there was anything I was ashamed about or unhappy about or not comfortable with. That was the main thing for me."

Finally, the reporter, who is rumored to be dating Andy Cohen, added his thanks to all who have been there for him over the past couple months.

"I appreciate all the support I got and all the encouragement. I am the same person I always was, I do the job just the same way."

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/09/anderson-cooper-on-anderson-why-i-came-out/

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